San Lorenzo Nuovo
San Lorenzo Nuovo
San Lorenzo Nuovo is located on a hill surrounded by greenery, and it is only 5 km far from Bolsena Lake.
For its location, a short distance from the border with Umbria and Tuscany, it is an excellent starting point for visiting many places in the two regions.
The 'new' village was founded in 1779 by the inhabitants of San Lorenzo alle Grotte, who moved from their old location, considered unhealthy due to malaria, to a new higher (500 m above sea level) and healthier location.
What characterised this village from its neighbours, is the historical centre, which is not typically medieval, but has neoclassical traces, dating back to the 18th century. This aspect, is evident in the urban structure, which is characterised by many low, uniform houses and by an octagonal square, on which the Church of San Lorenzo stands.