

Ottieni indicazioni

Capodimonte is situated on the south-western bank of Bolsena Lake, and enjoys an enchanting landscape, between the beaches of the lake and the marina for recreational boats.

Right in the centre of the village, on a small volcanic promontory, stands the Palazzo Farnese di Capodimonte, also known as the Rocca, a building that was commissioned by Pier Luigi Farnese in the 15th century, built on the foundations of an ancient castle.

Near Capodimonte, there is a very ancient necropolis with tombs dating back to Etruscan times.

Capodimonte is famous also for its culinary traditions, in particular the “coregone” a typical freshwater fish from the lake. During the month of August, there is a particular festival, the “Coregone festival” that is a very particular attraction for tourists from all over Italy.