With just 560 inhabitants, Proceno is situated at 410 metres above sea level in the Valle of the river Paglia, in an unpolluted area without industries and essentially agricultural. It is surrounded by the Tuscany of Siena and Grosseto, with its rolling hills and medieval village, Proceno is the Porta del Lazio (gateway to Lazio).
Once, it was a frontier town between the Grand Ducato of Tuscany and the Papal State. The territory of Proceno has been traversed over the centuries by pilgrims and wayfarers on the ancient Via Francigena. It has always maintained its unconscious autenticity as a host town, also given by its numerous agro-tourism and gastronomic gastronomic realities.
From the Paglia valley it is also possible to reach the small hamlet of Centeno, known for being the pontifical customs and for having given hospitality to Galileo Galilei.
Thanks to its position and to the different dialectal and territorial influences, skilled artists from Tuscany and Latium, over the time, have found the opportunity to express themselves in works of art. Proof of their great ability are the many churches that are still standing, the Medieval Castle and the multi-building hotel that surrounds it, and Palazzo Sforza, now seat of the pilgrim hostel.
The territory of Proceno is also known thanks to the delicious products that are cultivated in its territory. Among the specialities grown in the area, first and foremost the red garlic of Proceno, which can be purchased from local producers.
Festivity - Proceno
- 17 January: Saint Anthony Abbot- Second Sunday after Easter Feast of the Piane or Madonna delle Piane, festival between Tuscany and Lazio
- 20 April : Saint Agnes of Montepulciano
- Monday of the Angel: San Vincenzo Ferreri - Patron of Proceno and Protector of the countryside
- 1th May St. Joseph, Saint of workers
- May or September: Camminata dello Stridolone, a walk along the torrent Stridolone.
- End of May: Feast of S. Agnes in Gracciano (Montepulciano) oil of devotion and pilgrimage to the church of S. Agnese in Montepulciano.
- Corpus Domini: traditional flowering along the main street of the village.
- Procenando - Festival of the Cantinelle in the streets of the village last weekend in July: taste itinerary of typical Procenese products.
- 5th August Fair: village fair with the presence of local craftsmen with their demonstrations on site.
- Festival of Bruschetta and Proceno Red Garlic: first and second weeks of August. Food stands, exhibitions, cultural and recreational events, music and dancing. Every evening, the food stand offers traditional products such as bruschetta, pici all'aglione, bujone, tripe and beans with pork rinds.
- 14 / 15 August Feast of Sant'Agnese da Montepulciano
- Third Saturday in September Centeno, border festival: food stands and folkloristic music.
- Second week in November: Polenta and Bujone Festival: typical food, polenta with pork or chicken or lamb stew, all seasoned with the ever-present Proceno red garlic.
- Christmas: Nativity scenes along the village and in the Sforza Palace.
- New Year's Eve: event with music and food.
- La Befana: a mannequin made of straw and dressed as an old hag is burnt in the square.